Friday, March 22, 2013

Fluted Tart/Quiche Pan with Removable Bottom - 8 Inch Diameter

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Item Info

This flan pan with removable bottom is made of sturdy tinplate steel and is 8 inches in diameter.


  • 8" in diameter
  • Removable bottom for easy lifting of tarts
  • Tinplate steel
  • Hand Wash

Customer Reviews

Small, very small

This is a flimsy ill fitting 6" tart pan with a label that was glued to the bottom removable plate that would not wash off, it had to be scraped off. So before even using it, its scratched up. I'd suggest you look further if you make tarts often, this wont stand up very long.

Too Small!
Janet Sanders

The pan was smaller than advertised. It is only 7.5 inches instead of 8 inches. Otherwise it seems to be OK.

Nice enough
Karen E.

For how often I will be using it, this product will be fine for me ... my shortbread turned out amazing and I like the lift out bottom of this pan.

Rating: 3.5 4 reviews

Tags: Fluted Tart/Quiche Pan, Tart/Quiche Pan Removable, Fluted Pan Removable, Fluted Tart/Quiche Removable

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